Welcome to Humbly Grove

Oil and gas has been produced from the Humbly Grove Field since the early 1980s. In 2005 the depleted reservoir gas cap was developed and infrastructure installed to provide one of the largest Gas Storage facilities in the UK.

By utilising a naturally formed reservoir and additional surface facilities, Humbly Grove Energy provides a gas storage service that contributes to balancing gas supply and demand within the national gas transmission system (NTS) within the United Kingdom.

Proposed Extension to the operation of existing Oil Extraction and Gas Storage infrastructure at the Humbly Grove Facility

A series of planning applications are to be submitted to Hampshire County Council later this year, that will seek permission to vary and extend the life of the existing consented operational developments from the current cessation date of 30th September 2025, to the new date of 30th September 2055.

These extension of time planning applications propose no physical or operational changes to the currently consented developments, apart from the addition of one oil storage tank within the existing facility boundary at Weston Common.

Information associated with the proposed application can be found humblyenergy.consultationonline.co.uk/

Questions in relation to the application, should be directed towards feedback@consultation-online.co.uk or call 0800 298 7040.

Humbly Grove Energy

Weston Common
The Avenue
GU34 5SY

t: +44 (0) 1256 381 621
f: +44 (0) 1256 381 524
e: enquiries@humblyenergy.co.uk

Emergency (24hr):

01256 381625